In the power-producing industry nothing is as constant as change
„The application for the monopoly of supply, the liberalisation of foreign trade of the energy and natural gas markets, the agreement of the associations, the law concerning the power-producing industry, the renewable energy law, the decree regarding power grid charges, operational unbundling, incentive regulation“ are only some examples of the general legal conditions. No other industry has changed as heavily as the power-producing industry. The old rules of the game, that is the rules of supply and demand, oligopoly and development of basic commodities, seem to pertain only partly nowadays.
Too often the pack is reshuffled by the regulator, general conditions and demands change. In addition to that, the European energy market is inexorably growing together. To professionally keep track of things in this situation, to be up to date, to recognize and uses chances, to recognize and manage risks, which arise involuntarily, is an almost impossible challenge both for the suppliers and the energy consuming companies. In this situation you can only win if you occupy yourself with this topic professionally, on a daily basis and in this way enable yourself to make upcoming decisions in a reflective manner. Only few companies are able to do this through their own personnel.
Our team of internal and external experts in the field of the power-producing industry pools the relevant skills. We give advice and support to decision makers in dealing with questions regarding the power-producing industry. We prepare and give them the relevant information, offer recommendations for strategical and operational approaches and implement the decisions previously agreed upon on behalf of our client.